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ermy.it  © 2015

The New Energy Revolution

Imagine how it would be blue the sky without pollution… flying, driving, warm up, only with electricity.

No more Petrol, no more Gas, only clean energy when and how you want.

Today it's possible, today it's the beginning of a new Energetic Revolution.

Three years after the first Solid State Energy Cell, here's the first Battery Self-rechargeable. A battery that remains stable over the time. A real clean energy source for us and for our Earth.

Dream the Impossible


Quantum Energy

Grafene e quarzo, inizia una nuova era per l'energia.

Graphene and quartz, a new era begins for energy.

La Storia continua… 15 Dicembre 2015

Si presentano le ultime novità della Cella a Stato Solido

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Qlisa Oled Technology

Senza fili, senza batteria, semplicemente semplice.

Primo prototipo di una lampada da tavolo con tecnologia Oled alimentata da Celle a Stato Solido Grafene & Quarzo

The first prototype of a Oled table lamp, powered by Solid-State Cell of Graphene & Quartz

● New Art Design

● New Oled Technology

● New Quantum Energy

● Fully Recyclable                     more: www.QLisa.it        
